How do emotions and cultural differences affect communication in multi-linguistic negotiations?
What is the involvement of corporations in symbolic reparations (SR) in Colombia, Germany and South Africa?
What drives the position of sexually transmitted infections on global policy agendas?
What are the impacts of LSLA on the local food system and how do they affect the decision-making processes of both men and women regarding household food security ?
To what extent does violence against civilians by armed actors increase the risk of conflict escalation and civil war?
How does the role of lithium in the emerging energy regime challenge or reproduce unequal relations between producer and consumer regions, and can it pave the way for a sustainable and just energy transition?
What are the legal obligations to protect and assist persons with disabilities during conflict and what are the policies and practices required to put these obligations into effect?
To what extend do information and communicaton technologies contribute to sustainable macroeconomic development? What is the influence of foreign investment?
How can historical research data contribute to a better understanding of health services? How can this knowledge contribute to the development of sustainable health systems in developing countries?
How efficient are the current global health architecture and the variants of private-public partnerships on global health policies and targeted achievements?
How can livelihoods of smallholder coffee farmers in Colombia and Bolivia be improved through the scaling-up to high-quality coffee products?
What are the life trajectories of children of refugees born in Europe in terms of cultural and social identity and what are their educational and employment experiences?
How can new institutional arrangements help reconcile livelihood-relevant factors of local populations with the UN program for Reducing Emissions for Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD)?
To which degree and under which conditions do countries translate their international commitments regarding CC mitigation into their domestic policies (i.e. policy objectives and instruments)?
Which types of intertemporal cost distributions are likely to find majority support in industrialised emitter countries?
What are the experiences of recently arrived Afghans in Europe and how is the understanding of home, belonging and the ‘self ‘shaped by gender? How does this understanding affect their capacity and willingness to engage with development in Afghanistan?
How can the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) effectively contribute to the integration of those left-behind by the declining social aid and create solidarity for these vulnerable groups?
What are the effects of cross-border refugee flows and the possible spread of conflicts in host countries taking into account ethnical linkages?
What are the factors that lead states and transnational actors to choose between formal intergovernmental organisations, informal intergovernmental organisations and transnational governance networks to structure their interactions and govern global problems?
What are the design, evolution, and effects of the international investment agreements currently in practice?
How do women – led Track Two dialogues contribute to sustaining and reimagining peace in post-settlement contexts in Colombia, Kosovo, and the Philippines?
Do donors respond to the ebbs and flows of a peace process or is their behavior motivated by other factors that are exogenous to events within the conflict-torn country?
Can violent conflict caused by inequality motivate those in power to reduce income and asset disparities?
How can psychological knowledge help legal professionals in their work with victims in the context of the Cambodian trials?
How widespread is the increased susceptibility of insecticide-resistant Anopheles mosquitoes to Plasmodium infection and what are the risks associated with this phenomenon in relationship to the use of bed nets and insecticides? What policies should be adopted to reduce the risk of a major crisis in malaria control?
To what extent does the concept of gridlock apply to the global health governance and account for its deficiencies? What is the potential for reform?
What are the effects of the financialisation of the commodity trading on local lives and what are the policy recommendations to be drawn for Swiss and international regulatory actors?